# dennispotter-cv
This repository contains my private resume website. It contains

* a frontpage;
* an about section; 
* my resume, including work experience, education, and skills;
* volunteering; and
* a contact section.

The master branch is automatically deployed to [https://dennispotter.eu](https://dennispotter.eu).

# License
Although the website was almost completely rewritten, it is based on the [Styleshout template CeeVee](https://www.styleshout.com/free-templates/ceevee/). All of Styleshout's templates are released under the [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) which means that you are free to modify the templates anyway you like and use them for your personal and commercial projects as long as you visibly credit them for the design somewhere on your site. Please take a look at the [license](LICENSE).