***This application is still under development. Currently, the `append` subcommand shows some problems.*** # footswitch-rs This repository contains a C to Rust translation of the GitHub repository [rgerganov/footswitch](https://github.com/rgerganov/footswitch). Although I use footswitch-rs myself to manage my footswitch, the main purpose of its development was to practice Rust. Since I do not possess Apple hardware, I did not test this application on MacOS (unlike [rgerganov](https://github.com/rgerganov) did with the original footswitch). However, with some modifications, footswitch-rs should run on MacOS as well. This utility supports [PCSensor](http://www.pcsensor.com/) foot switches with the following `vendorId:productId` combinations: * `0c45:7403` * `0c45:7404` * `413d:2107` footswitch-rs can also be used together with [VIM Clutch](https://github.com/alevchuk/vim-clutch). ## Installation First, make sure that Rust is installed on your computer. ```bash curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh ``` Then, clone this repository and use cargo to build it: ```bash git clone https://git.dennispotter.eu/Dennis/footswitch-rs cd footswitch-rs cargo build --release ``` Optionally, install the application using: ```bash cargo install ``` ## Usage Information about the usage (of a subcommand) can be found by running: ```bash footswitch-rs --help ``` or [on the utilities wiki page](https://git.dennispotter.eu/Dennis/footswitch-rs/wiki). ## Hardware issues Several people have reported misbehaviors with the PCsensor footswitch due to hardware issues. If the pedal is continuously sending a keypress without being pressed, then most probably some of the elements do not make good contact with the PCB. Follow [the instructions that were posted on original footswitch repository](https://github.com/rgerganov/footswitch/issues/26#issuecomment-401429709) to verify and and fix this.