//! Footswitch-RS //! //! `footswitch-rs` enables you to use footswitches of //! pub mod key_operations; pub mod pedal_operations; #[macro_use] mod messages; #[macro_use] extern crate structopt; extern crate hidapi; extern crate users; extern crate colored; use std::process; use structopt::StructOpt; use messages::*; use colored::*; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "rust-footswitch")] struct Opt { /// Prints a table of all keys with rows #[structopt(short = "l", long = "listkeys")] listkeys: Option, #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: Option, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] enum Command { /// Write to the footpedal #[structopt(name = "write")] Write { /// Specify pedal to modify with following command. Possible values: [0 | 1 | 2] #[structopt(short = "p", long = "pedal")] pedal: Vec, /// Command to apply. Possible values: [set_key | del_key | append_key | append_str] #[structopt(short = "c", long = "command")] command: Vec, /// Input values to apply #[structopt(short = "i", long = "input")] input: Vec, }, #[structopt(name = "read")] Read { /// Read all pedals #[structopt(short = "a", long = "all")] all: bool, /// Specify specific pedals. Possible values: [0 | 1 | 2] #[structopt(short = "p", long = "pedal")] pedals: Vec, } } fn main() { let mut pedals = pedal_operations::Pedals::new(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); welcome("footswitch-rs, Dennis Potter "); check_sudo(); // All options that don't need the device to be open // Print all keys and exit application if let Some(x) = opt.listkeys { key_operations::print_key_map(x); goodbye(); } // Open device // This is the reason, the device is not part of the struct: https://github.com/Osspial/hidapi-rs/issues/16 // Maybe this can be fixed, as soon as this is merged into the crate: https://github.com/Osspial/hidapi-rs/pull/12 let vld_dev = [ (0x0c45u16, 0x7403u16), (0x0c45 , 0x7404), (0x413d , 0x2107) ]; info!("Initializing HID object. This can take a moment."); let api = match hidapi::HidApi::new() { Ok(res) => { info!("Succesfully initialized HID object."); res }, Err(_) => { error!("Could not initialize HID object.") }, }; let mut dev_path = String::new(); for device in &api.devices() { for val in vld_dev.iter() { if *val == (device.vendor_id, device.product_id) && device.interface_number == 1 { info!("Found device {:x}:{:x} ({})", device.vendor_id, device.product_id, device.path); dev_path = device.path.clone(); } } } let dev = match api.open_path(dev_path.as_str()) { Ok(res) => { info!("Succesfully opened device."); res }, Err(_) => { error!("Could not open device. Make sure your device is connected. Maybe try to reconnect it.") }, }; // All options that need the device to be open match opt.cmd { Some(Command::Write {pedal: ped_list, command: cmd_list, input: val_list}) => { if ped_list.len() != cmd_list.len() && ped_list.len() != val_list.len() { error!("You must define as much pedals as you define commands and as you define input values!"); } for (i, cmd) in cmd_list.iter().enumerate() { match cmd as &str { "set_key" => { pedals.set_key(ped_list[i] as usize, val_list[i].as_str()); } "del_key" => { } "append_key" => { } "append_str" => { pedals.set_string(ped_list[i] as usize, val_list[i].as_str()); } _ => { error!("Unkonwn command!"); } } } // Since we ran the Write command without any errors, we are now writing everything pedals.write_pedals(& dev); info!("Succesfully wrote everything to footpedal!"); info!("The current state of the device is shown below."); // Show user current state of pedal pedals.read_pedals(&dev, vec![0,1,2]); goodbye(); }, Some(Command::Read {all: all_var, pedals: ped_list}) => { if ped_list.len() > 3 { error!("Number of pedals may not be bigger than 3!"); } if all_var { pedals.read_pedals(&dev, vec![0,1,2]); } else if ped_list.len() > 0 { pedals.read_pedals(&dev, ped_list) } else { error!("You did not specify any command. Run './footswitch-rs read --help' for more information"); } goodbye(); }, None => { error!("You did not specify any command. Run './footswitch-rs --help' for more information."); } } } /// Checks if user is super user fn check_sudo() { if users::get_current_uid() != 0 { error!("Please execute this application as super user!"); } }