
442 lines
14 KiB

#[path = ""] pub mod key_operations;
extern crate hidapi;
use std::process;
use std::ffi::CString;
use colored::*;
use messages::*;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Type {
Unconfigured = 0,
Key = 1,
Mouse = 2,
MouseKey = 3,
String = 4
impl Type {
fn u8_to_enum(value:u8) -> Option<Type> {
match value {
0 => Some(Type::Unconfigured),
1 => Some(Type::Key),
2 => Some(Type::Mouse),
3 => Some(Type::MouseKey),
4 => Some(Type::String),
0x81 => Some(Type::Key),
_ => None
pub struct PedalsData {
header: [u8; 8],
data: [u8; 48],
length: u8,
pub struct Pedals {
start: [u8; 8],
ped_data: Vec<PedalsData>,
impl Pedals {
pub fn new() -> Pedals {
// Open device
let vld_dev = [
(0x0c45u16, 0x7403u16),
(0x0c45 , 0x7404),
(0x413d , 0x2107)
info!("Initializing HID object. This can take a moment.");
let api = match hidapi::HidApi::new() {
Ok(res) => {
info!("Successfully initialized HID object.");
Err(_) => {
error!("Could not initialize HID object.")
let mut dev_path = CString::new("").unwrap();
for device in api.devices() {
for val in vld_dev.iter() {
if *val == (device.vendor_id, device.product_id) && device.interface_number == 1 {
info!("Found device {:x}:{:x} ({:#?})", device.vendor_id, device.product_id, device.path);
dev_path = device.path.clone();
// Moved this out of loop, because of error of "possibly uninitialized `dev`. Don't try to move it in the loop.
let dev = match api.open_path(&dev_path) {
Ok(res) => {
info!("Successfully opened device.");
Err(_) => {
error!("Could not open device. Make sure your device is connected. Maybe try to reconnect it.")
// Prepare variables
let start = [0x01u8, 0x80, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
let header_0 = [0x01u8, 0x81, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
let header_1 = [0x01u8, 0x81, 0x08, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
let header_2 = [0x01u8, 0x81, 0x08, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
let mut default_data = [0u8; 48];
default_data[0] = 0x08;
// Initialize actual object
Pedals {
dev: dev,
start: start,
ped_data: vec![
PedalsData {
header: header_0,
data: default_data,
length: 8,
PedalsData {
header: header_1,
data: default_data,
length: 8,
PedalsData {
header: header_2,
data: default_data,
length: 8, },
pub fn read_pedal(&self, ped:& u8) -> [u8; 8] {
let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
let mut query = [0x01u8, 0x82, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
query[3] += ped;
// Write query to device;
// Read answer buf[..]).unwrap();
/// Read the current values of the pedals
pub fn read_pedals(&self, peds: Vec<u8>) {
let total_width = 55 as usize;
// Check if passed pedal number is valid
for i in peds.iter() {
if *i > 2 {
error!("Pedal value {} is larger than 2 and thus not valid!", i);
// Print header
println!("{}", "".repeat(total_width));
println!("{name:^width$}", name = "Programmed Keys", width = total_width);
println!("{}", "".repeat(total_width));
// Read and print keys
for (i, ped) in peds.iter().enumerate() {
// Read value from pedal and directly translate it to a key
let mut key_value = self.read_pedal(ped);
let key_name_option = match Type::u8_to_enum(key_value[1]) {
Some(Type::Unconfigured) => None,
Some(Type::Key) => key_operations::print_key(&key_value),
Some(Type::Mouse) => key_operations::print_mousebutton(&key_value),
Some(Type::MouseKey) => key_operations::print_mouse_key(&key_value),
Some(Type::String) => self.print_string(& mut key_value),
None => error!("The key type which was returned by the pedal was invalid!")
let key_name = match key_name_option {
Some(key) => key,
None => "< None >".to_string(),
println!("│ Pedal {ped}{name:<-width$}", ped = ped, name = key_name, width = total_width - 14);
// Print spacer between lines
if i != peds.len() - 1 {
println!("{}{name:<-width$}", "".repeat(10), name = "".repeat(total_width - 14), width = total_width - 12);
// Print simple footer
println!("{}", "".repeat(total_width));
/// Sets the type of the function. False (0) if everything went fine, true (1) if
/// an error occurred.
fn set_type(& mut self, ped:usize, typ:Type) {
let set_value = if self.ped_data[ped].data[1] == 0 { true } else { false };
if set_value {
self.ped_data[ped].data[1] = typ as u8;
let ret = match typ {
Type::String => {
// If nothing is set, set type to string and length to 2
if set_value {
self.ped_data[ped].length = 2;
// Check if pedal type is set to String, otherwise error
self.ped_data[ped].data[1] != Type::String as u8
_ => {
let ret;
if self.ped_data[ped].data[1] == Type::String as u8 {
// if new type is Key or Mouse, and String is already set, return false
ret = true;
else {
// else, set type to new type and return true
self.ped_data[ped].data[1] |= typ as u8;
ret = false;
if ret {
error!("Invalid combination of options! Please see");
fn write_pedal(&self, ped:usize) {
// First, write header[ped].header).unwrap();
// Write data to device in 8 byte chunks
let mut up:usize = 0;
for i in 0..(self.ped_data[ped].length / 8) {
// Set bounds
let low = (i * 8) as usize;
up = 8 * (i + 1) as usize;
// Write to device[ped].data[low..up]).unwrap();
// Write remaining values to device
if self.ped_data[ped].length % 8 > 0 {[ped].data[up..(self.ped_data[ped].length as usize)]).unwrap();
/// This method writes all data from Pedals.peddata to the device
pub fn write_pedals(&self) {;
for (i, _pedal) in self.ped_data.iter().enumerate() {
pub fn set_key(& mut self, ped:usize, key:&str) {
if let Some(encoded_key) = key_operations::encode_byte(key) {
self.set_type(ped, Type::Key);
self.ped_data[ped].data[3] = encoded_key;
else {
error!("Key '{}' is not recognized! Please provide a valid key, listed in './footswitch-rs --listkeys 4'", key);
pub fn append_key(& mut self, ped:usize, key:&str) {
if let Some(encoded_key) = key_operations::encode_byte(key) {
self.set_type(ped, Type::String);
let mut key = Vec::new();
else {
error!("Key '{}' is not recognized! Please provide a valid key, listed in './footswitch-rs --listkeys 4'", key);
pub fn set_modifier(& mut self, ped:usize, modifier:&str) {
let modifier = match key_operations::Modifier::str_to_enum(modifier) {
Some(x) => x,
None => error!("Unknown modifier! Please use one of the following: ctrl, shift, alt, win."),
self.set_type(ped, Type::Key);
self.ped_data[ped].data[2] |= modifier as u8;
pub fn set_mousebutton(& mut self, ped:usize, mousebutton:&str) {
let mousebutton = match key_operations::MouseButton::str_to_enum(mousebutton) {
Some(x) => x,
None => error!("Unknown mousebutton! Please use one of the following: left, middle, right, double."),
self.set_type(ped, Type::Mouse);
self.ped_data[ped].data[4] |= mousebutton as u8;
pub fn set_mouse_xyw(& mut self, ped:usize, value_i8:i8, direction:usize) {
// The values of the directions match the array index of ped_data[].data[]
// X = 5
// Y = 6
// W = 7
// Translate to u8
let mut value_u8 = value_i8 as u8;
// Check if mouse wheel movement is smaller than 0, if so, add 256
if (direction == 7) & (value_i8 < 0) {
value_u8 += value_i8 as u8 + 256;
// Set Mouse Type
self.set_type(ped, Type::Mouse);
// Actually write data
self.ped_data[ped].data[direction] = value_u8;
pub fn print_string(&self, response: & mut [u8]) -> Option<String> {
let mut string = String::new();
let mut len = response[0] - 2;
let mut ind = 2;
while len > 0 {
if ind == 8 { response[..]).unwrap();
ind = 0;
if let Some(key_str) = key_operations::decode_byte(&response[ind]) {
len -= 1;
ind += 1;
pub fn set_string(& mut self, ped:usize, key:&str) {
self.set_type(ped, Type::String);
if key.len() > 38 {
error!("The size of each string must be smaller than or equal to 38.");
let encoded_vector = match key_operations::encode_string(&key) {
Some(x) => x,
None => error!("Could not encode string!"),
self.compile_string_data(ped, encoded_vector);
fn compile_string_data(& mut self, ped:usize, enc_vec:Vec<u8>) {
let len = enc_vec.len() as u8;
if self.ped_data[ped].length + len > 38 {
error!("The size of the accumulated string must be smaller than or equal to 38.")
let start_byte = self.ped_data[ped].length as usize;
for (i, c) in enc_vec.iter().enumerate() {
self.ped_data[ped].data[start_byte + i] = *c;
self.ped_data[ped].length += len;
self.ped_data[ped].header[2] = self.ped_data[ped].length;
self.ped_data[ped].data[0] = self.ped_data[ped].length;
/// Update device and close application
pub fn update_and_close(& mut self) {
info!("Successfully wrote everything to footpedal!");
info!("The current state of the device is shown below.");
// Show user current state of pedal
/// Prevent the application from purging pedals that are not explicitly set
pub fn refresh_values(& mut self, peds: Vec<u8>) {
// First read from pedals that are defined in peds
for ped in peds.iter() {
// Read value from pedal and directly translate it to a key
let mut key_value = self.read_pedal(ped);
match Type::u8_to_enum(key_value[1]) {
Some(Type::Key) => {
self.set_type(*ped as usize, Type::Key);
// Modifiers
self.ped_data[*ped as usize].data[2] = key_value[2];
// Keys
self.ped_data[*ped as usize].data[3] = key_value[3];
Some(Type::Mouse) => {
self.set_type(*ped as usize, Type::Mouse);
self.ped_data[*ped as usize].data[4] = key_value[4];
Some(Type::MouseKey) => {
self.set_type(*ped as usize, Type::MouseKey);
self.ped_data[*ped as usize].data[3] = key_value[3];
self.ped_data[*ped as usize].data[4] = key_value[4];
Some(Type::String) => {
self.set_type(*ped as usize, Type::String);
// Start byte should be 2
let mut key_vec = Vec::new();
for (i, c) in key_value.iter().enumerate() {
if i >= 2 && *c != 0 {
self.compile_string_data(*ped as usize, key_vec);
None => error!("The key type which was returned by the pedal was invalid!"),
_ => {}