2018-11-12 11:56:59 +00:00
% Copyright 2009 by Rainer Finocchiaro
% Copyright 2015 by Simon Pickartz
%%* *
%%* RWTH Aachen University *
%%* *
%%* Institute for Automation of Complex *
%%* Power Systems *
%%* *
%%* Based on the thesis template *
%%* of the Chair for Operating Systems *
%%* created by Rainer Finocchiaro *
%%* *
%% C H A N G E L O G :
%% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%% 2015/01/05 [SP]: - Initial version
%% 2015/04/23 [SP]: - First Release Candidate
%% 2015/05/21 [SP]: - Bibliography to ToC; add abstract support
%% 2016/01/27 [SP,SK]: - New Statement (Eidesstattliche Versicherung)
%% and Admonition
%% 2017/04/27 [SP]: - Title page with signatures
%% [SP] Simon Pickartz
%% [SK] Sonja Kolen
% Template for Master and Bachelor Theses at ACS (based on scrbook)
2018-11-12 16:20:20 +00:00
\documentclass[bibliography=totoc, english]{template/acsthesis}
2018-11-12 11:56:59 +00:00
\makeindex % uncomment if index should be created
% and uncomment '\printindex' at the bottom
\input{template/config} % Configuration (e.g., author) go into 'config.tex'
\input{template/includes} % Additional definitions and packages
\hypersetup{bookmarksopen=true, bookmarksopenlevel=1}
\input{chapters} % this file contains includes for the individual chapters
\input{appendices} % to add an appendix