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\title{Implementation and Analysis of an\\ InfiniBand based Communication in a Real-Time Co-Simulation Framework}
\titleDE{Implementierung und Analyse einer auf\\ InfiniBand basierten Kommunikation in einem Echtzeit Co-Simulationsframework}
\thesisType{master} % 'bachelor' or 'master'
\author{Dennis Potter}
\keywordsDE{InfiniBand, Co-Simulation, RDMA, Echtzeit, VILLASframework, VILLASnode, OFED, OpenFabrics, HPC}
\keywordsEN{InfiniBand, co-simulation, RDMA, real-time, VILLASframework, VILLASnode, OFED, OpenFabrics, HPC}
\printSignatures % print signatures
% on title page for
% the registration
\addsupervisor{Lukas Razik} % Supervisor
\addsupervisor{Steffen Vogel} % Second supervisor
% In case of a second referee
%\addsecondreferee{Dr.\,rer.\,nat. Unknown} % Second referee
% In case of more than one intitute (e.g., external thesis)
%\addinstitute{acs}{Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems}{(')}
%\addinstitute{osl}{Open Systems Laboratory, Indiana University}{(*)}
%\addsupervisor[acs]{Univ.-Prof. Dr. Antonello Monti}
%\addsupervisor[osl]{Dipl.-Ing. Mark Musterassi} % Betreuer
%\addsecondreferee{Dr.\,rer.\,nat. Unknown} % Zweitgutachter