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\caption{$\tilde{t}_{lat}$ [\SI{}{\micro\second}] as reported by \texttt{ib\_send\_lat} for different service types and message sizes with a varying \gls{mtu}. All communication went over an \gls{rdma} \gls{cm} \gls{qp} and was sent with the normal \textit{send} operation. Every test contained 1000 iterations and messages that were smaller than \SI{188}{\byte} were sent inline.}\label{tab:mtu_performance}
\begin{tabular}{l r | c c c c c}
\textbf{service type} & \textbf{size} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{\gls{mtu}}}
& & \SI{256}{\byte} & \SI{512}{\byte} & \SI{1024}{\byte} & \SI{2048}{\byte} & \SI{4096}{\byte} \\
\multirow{4}{*}{\gls{rc}} & \SI{32}{\byte} & 0.83 & 0.81 & 0.82 & 0.82 & 0.83
& \SI{1}{\kilo\byte} & 1.58 & 1.58 & 1.52 & 1.60 & 1.61
& \SI{4}{\kilo\byte} & 2.26 & 2.25 & 2.25 & 2.27 & 2.28
& \SI{32}{\kilo\byte} & 4.56 & 4.58 & 4.57 & 4.58 & 4.57
\\ \hline
\multirow{3}{*}{\gls{ud}} & \SI{32}{\byte} & 0.86 & 0.87 & 0.86 & 0.87 & 0.86
& \SI{1}{\kilo\byte} & \NO & \NO & 1.44 & \redcell{1.54} & 1.45
& \SI{4}{\kilo\byte} & \NO & \NO & \NO & \NO & 2.22