% % $Description: ACS Thesis Bibliography$ % % $Author: pickartz $ % $Date: 2015/04/23 $ % $Revision: 0.1 $ % @manual{compaq1997microsoft, author={\noauthor}, title={{Virtual Interface Architecture Specification}}, organization={Compaq, Intel, Microsoft}, note={Version 1.0}, month={12}, year={1997} } @article{dunning1998virtual, title={{The Virtual Interface Architecture}}, author={Dunning, Dave and Regnier, Greg and McAlpine, Gary and Cameron, Don and Shubert, Bill and Berry, Frank and Merritt, Anne Marie and Gronke, Ed and Dodd, Chris}, journal={IEEE micro}, volume={18}, number={2}, pages={66--76}, year={1998}, month={3}, publisher={IEEE}, ISSN={0272-1732}, doi={10.1109/40.671404} } @article{pfister2001introduction, title={{An Introduction to the Infiniband™ Architecture}}, author={Pfister, Gregory F}, journal={High Performance Mass Storage and Parallel I/O}, volume={42}, pages={617--632}, year={2001}, publisher={chapter42} } @book{tanenbaum2014modern, title={{Modern Operating System}}, author={Tanenbaum, Andrew S and Bos, Herbert}, year={2014}, isbn={978-0-13-359162-0}, edition={4}, publisher={Pearson Education, Inc} } @book{kozierok2005tcp, title={{The TCP/IP-Guide: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference}}, author={Kozierok, Charles M}, year={2005}, isbn={978-1593270476}, publisher={No Starch Press} } @manual{infinibandvol1, author={\noauthor}, title={{InfiniBand\texttrademark~Architecture Specification, Volume 1}}, organization={InfiniBand Trade Association and others}, note={Release 1.2.1}, month={11}, year={2007} } @manual{infinibandvol2, author={\noauthor}, title={{InfiniBand\texttrademark~Architecture Specification Volume 2}}, organization={InfiniBand Trade Association and others}, note={Release 1.3.1}, month={11}, year = {2016} } @article{grun2010introduction, title={Introduction to infiniband for end users}, author={Grun, Paul}, organization={InfiniBand Trade Association}, year={2010} } @techreport{crupnicoff2005deploying, title={{Deploying Quality of Service and Congestion Control in InfiniBand-based Data Center Networks}}, author={Crupnicoff, Diego and Das, Sujal and Zahavi, Eitan}, organization={{Mellanox Technologies}}, number={2379}, year={2005}, } @manual{eui64, author={\noauthor}, title={{Guidelines for Use of Extended Unique Identifier (EUI), Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), and Company ID (CID)}}, organization={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers}, month={8}, year={2017} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INTRODUCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{strasser2015review, title={{A Review of Architectures and Concepts for Intelligence in Future Electric Energy Systems}}, author={Strasser, Thomas and Andr{\'e}n, Filip and Kathan, Johannes and Cecati, Carlo and Buccella, Concettina and Siano, Pierluigi and Leitao, Paulo and Zhabelova, Gulnara and Vyatkin, Valeriy and Vrba, Pavel and others}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics}, volume={62}, number={4}, pages={2424--2438}, year={2015}, month={4}, publisher={IEEE}, ISSN={0278-0046}, doi={10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486} } @article{faruque2015real, title={{Real-Time Simulation Technologies for Power Systems Design, Testing, and Analysis}}, author={Faruque, MD Omar and Strasser, Thomas and Lauss, Georg and Jalili-Marandi, Vahid and Forsyth, Paul and Dufour, Christian and Dinavahi, Venkata and Monti, Antonello and Kotsampopoulos, Panos and Martinez, Juan A and others}, journal={IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal}, volume={2}, number={2}, pages={63--73}, year={2015}, month={6}, publisher={IEEE}, ISSN={2332-7707}, doi={10.1109/JPETS.2015.2427370} } @article{larsen2009architectural, title={{Architectural breakdown of end-to-end latency in a TCP/IP network}}, author={Larsen, Steen and Sarangam, Parthasarathy and Huggahalli, Ram and Kulkarni, Siddharth}, journal={{International Journal of Parallel Programming}}, year={2009}, month={12}, volume={37}, number={6}, pages={556--571}, issn={1573-7640}, doi={10.1007/s10766-009-0109-6}, publisher={Springer} } @article{reinemo2006overview, author={S. 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Architecture}}, author={{Kashyap, V}}, organization={Internet Engineering Task Force}, year={2015}, month={5}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VILLAS NODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{stevic2017multi, title={{Multi-site European framework for real-time co-simulation of power systems}}, author={Stevic, Marija and Estebsari, Abouzar and Vogel, Steffen and Pons, Enrico and Bompard, Ettore and Masera, Marcelo and Monti, Antonello}, journal={IET Generation, Transmission \& Distribution}, volume={11}, number={17}, pages={4126--4135}, year={2017}, publisher={IET}, ISSN={1751-8687}, doi={10.1049/iet-gtd.2016.1576} } @inproceedings{vogel2017open, title={{An Open Solution for Next-generation Real-time Power System Simulation}}, author={Vogel, Steffen and Mirz, Markus and Razik, Lukas and Monti, Antonello}, booktitle={{Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), 2017 IEEE Conference on}}, pages={1--6}, year={2017}, month={11}, 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author={MacArthur, Patrick and Russell, Robert D}, booktitle={{High Performance Computing and Communication \& 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (HPCC-ICESS), 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on}}, pages={778--785}, year={2012}, publisher={IEEE}, doi={10.1109/HPCC.2012.110} } @inproceedings{liu2014performance, author = {Liu, Qian and Russell, Robert D.}, title = {{A Performance Study of InfiniBand Fourteen Data Rate (FDR)}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium}}, series = {HPC '14}, year = {2014}, location = {Tampa, Florida}, pages = {1--10}, articleno = {16}, numpages = {10}, acmid = {2663526}, publisher = {Society for Computer Simulation International}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, keywords = {InfiniBand, NUMA, RDMA, RDMA_WRITE_WITH_IMM, fourteen data rate}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LINUX BOOKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @book{kerrisk2010linux, title={{The Linux Programming Interface: a Linux and UNIX 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doi={10.1109/MM.2016.10}, ISSN={0272-1732}, month={5}, year={2016} } @misc{bowden2009proc, title={The /proc Filesystem}, author={Bowden, Terrehon and Bauer, Bodo and Nerin, Jorge and Feng, Shen and Seibold, Stefani}, year={2009}, month={6}, note={Version 1.3}, url={https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt}, urldate={2018-09-19} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{perez2007ipython, Author = {P\'erez, Fernando and Granger, Brian E.}, Title = {{IPython: a System for Interactive Scientific Computing}}, Journal = {Computing in Science and Engineering}, Volume = {9}, Number = {3}, Pages = {21--29}, month = may, year = 2007, url = "https://ipython.org", ISSN = "1521-9615", doi = {10.1109/MCSE.2007.53}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, } @manual{pcisig2010pciexpress, author={\noauthor}, title={{PCI Express\textregistered{} Base Specification}}, organization={{PCI-SIG}}, year={2010}, month={11}, note={Revision 3.0} } @inproceedings{susan1983gprof, title={{gprof: A Call Graph Execution Profiler}}, author={Susan L. and Graham Peter B. and Kessler Marshall K. and McKusick K.}, booktitle={Proceedings: USENIX Association [and] Software Tools Users Group Summer Conference}, pages={81--88}, year={1983}, address={Toronto, Ontario, Canada} }