\begin{table}[ht!] \centering \caption[Interfaces supported by VILLASnode as of June 2018.]{Interfaces supported by VILLASnode as of June 2018\footnotemark.} \label{tab:villasnode_nodes} \vspace{3mm} \begin{tabular}{l | l | p{8.5cm}} \hlineB{3} \Tstrut \textbf{Section} & \textbf{Node Name} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hhline{=|=|=} \Tstrut \multirow{10}{*}{\makecell[l]{internal\\communication}} & \textit{file } & support for file log/replay \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{shmem } & \acrshort{posix} shared memory interface with external processes \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{loopback } & internal loopback using a queued \acrshort{fifo} buffer \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{signal } & configurable signal generator for testing purposes \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{stats } & send communication statistics to other nodes \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{test\undershort rtt} & measurement of round-trip time, packet loss, and sending rates \Bstrut\\ \hline \Tstrut \multirow{10}{*}{\makecell[l]{server-server\\communication}} & \textit{socket } & BSD network sockets for Packet, IP, or \acrshort{udp} layer \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{zeromq } & ZeroMQ publish/subscribe messaging \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{influxdb } & InfluxDB time-series database \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{nanomsg } & nanomsg publish/subscribe messaging \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{amqp } & Advanced Message Queuing Protocol \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{mqtt } & Message Queuing Telemetry Transport \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{ngsi } & OMA Next Generation Services Interface 10 \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{websocket} & send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection \Bstrut\\ \hline \Tstrut \multirow{6}{*}{\makecell[l]{simulator-server\\communication}} & \textit{opal } & OPAL-RT asynchronous processes \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{fpga } & VILLASfpga \acrshort{pcie} card \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{comedi } & interface to Comedia devices \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{gtwif } & RTDS GTWIF workstation interface \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{iec61850-9-2} & IEC 61850-9-2 Samples Values \Bstrut\\ \hhline{~|-|-} \Tstrut & \textit{iec61850-8-1} & IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE Telegrams \Bstrut\\ \hlineB{3} \end{tabular} \end{table}