
288 lines
11 KiB

\ProvidesClass{template/acsthesis}[2015/05/21 Template for Student Theses at ACS]
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% Include packages
% Footnote has to be included _before_ hyperref
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%For German hyphenation in statement and admonition
% Command and environment definitions
\newcommand{\addinstitute}[3]{} % Institute hinzufuegen
% #1 Kuerzel fuer Referenz, z.B. lfbs
% #2 Titel des Instituts, z.B. Chair for OS, RWTH Aachen University
% #3 Referenzzeichen, z.B. (*) oder irgendein Symbol
% ----- Abstract (english)
\textbf{\@keywordName:} \@keywords
% ----- User commands
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% Institut hinzufuegen (falls mehrere Institute/Firmen involviert)
% #1 Kuerzel (zur Verwendung mit \instituteref)
% #2 Kompletter Name des Instituts
% #3 Symbol zur Kennzeichnung von Betreuer/Institut
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% Neues Institut an "Tabelle" anhaengen
\protected@edef\printinstitutes{\printinstitutes#3 #2\\}% % \printinstitutes expandieren und mit Zusatz
% wieder speichern
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% Anwenderbefehl zum referenzieren des Instituts
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% Betreuer hinzufuegen
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\settowidth{\@templength}{#2 \instituteref{#1}}
% Neuen Betreuer an "Tabelle" anhaengen
{\g@addto@macro\printsupervisors{#2 \instituteref{#1}}} %1. Eintrag
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% Zweitgutachter hinzufuegen
\NewDocumentCommand \addsecondreferee { O{} m }{%
\ifcsundef{instref#1}{% \instrefxyz not defined
{Institute "#1" not defined. Institute must be defined before using a reference to it}
{Please define institute before using a reference to it.}
\settowidth{\@templength}{#2 \instituteref{#1}}
% Neuen Zweitgutachter an "Tabelle" anhaengen
{\g@addto@macro\printsecondreferees{#2 \instituteref{#1}}} %1. Eintrag
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The present's work \LaTeX{} source code, its images, all used datasets, and all scripts that were used to create graphs are publicly available on \url{}. The aforementioned Git repository also provides a compiled version of the present work.
\item [\textbf{Author}] Dennis Potter \href{}{\texttt{<>}}
\item [\textbf{Supervisors}] Lukas Razik \href{}{\texttt{<>}}\\
Steffen Vogel \href{}{\texttt{<>}}
Submitted to RWTH Aachen University on November 9, 2018.
The present work is published under the
\includegraphics[width=4mm, keepaspectratio]{template/images/cc_logo.pdf}
\includegraphics[width=4mm, keepaspectratio]{template/images/cc_attribution.pdf}
\textbf{Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)}.
Below, a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license:
\begin{center}{\vspace*{1mm}\normalsize\textbf{You are free to:}}\end{center}\vspace*{-4mm}
\item [\textbf{Share}] copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
\item [\textbf{Adapt}] remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
\begin{center}\vspace*{1mm}{\normalsize\textbf{Under the following terms:}}\end{center}\vspace*{-4mm}
\item [\textbf{Attribution}] You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
\item [\textbf{No additional restrictions}] You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
% ----- Language dependent variables
\renewcommand\lstlistlistingname{List of Listings}
\def\@tpName{Title Page}
\def\@tocName{Table of Contents}
\def\@matrNrName{Matriculation Number}
\def\@secondRefereeName{Second Referee}
\def\@firstExaminer{1\textsuperscript{st} Examiner}
\def\@secondExaminer{2\textsuperscript{nd} Examiner}
\def\@aachenDateName{Aachen, \@submissionDate}
\def\@datesignature{ \makebox[6cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill \makebox[7cm]{\hrulefill} \makebox[6cm]{Ort, Datum} \hfill \makebox[7cm]{Unterschrift}}
The present work was submitted to \\
RWTH Aachen University\\
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology\\
Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems\\
Univ.-Prof. Antonello Monti, Ph.\,D.
% Create cover, table of contents, etc.
% Everything before the first chapter with roman page numbers
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% Here comes the students code