/***************************************************************** * * ███████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ * ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ╚════██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║ * ███████╗██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ █████╔╝███████╗██║ ██║ * ╚════██║██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██╔═══╝ ╚════██║╚██╗ ██╔╝ * ███████║██║ ██║██████╔╝███████╗███████╗███████║ ╚████╔╝ * ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═══╝ * * The present RTL was generated by srdl2sv v0.01. The RTL and all * templates the RTL is derived from are licensed under the MIT * license. The license is shown below. * * srdl2sv itself is licensed under GPLv3. * * Maintainer : Dennis Potter <dennis@dennispotter.eu> * Report Bugs: https://github.com/Silicon1602/srdl2sv/issues * * ===GENERATION INFORMATION====================================== * * Generation information: * - User: : dpotter * - Time : November 04 2021 23:31:13 * - Path : /home/dpotter/srdl2sv/examples/parameters * - RDL file : ['parameters.rdl'] * - Hostname : ArchXPS * * RDL include directories: * - * * Commandline arguments to srdl2sv: * - Ouput Directory : srdl2sv_out * - Stream Log Level : INFO * - File Log Level : NONE * - Use Real Tabs : False * - Tab Width : 4 * - Enums Enabled : True * - Unpacked I/Os : True * - Register Bus Type: amba3ahblite * - Address width : 32 * - Byte enables : True * - Descriptions : {'AddrMap': False, 'RegFile': False, 'Memory': False, 'Register': False, 'Field': False} * * ===LICENSE OF PAREMETERS.SV===================================== * * Copyright 2021 Dennis Potter <dennis@dennispotter.eu> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************/ module paremeters ( // Resets input rst_async_n, // Inputs input clk , input HRESETn , input [31:0] HADDR , input HWRITE , input [2:0] HSIZE , input [3:0] HPROT , input [1:0] HTRANS , input [32-1:0] HWDATA , input HSEL , input [31:0] reg32__data_in , input [31:0] reg32_arr__data_in[8], input [15:0] reg16__data_in , input [7:0] reg8__data_in , // Outputs output HREADYOUT , output HRESP , output [32-1:0] HRDATA , output [31:0] reg32__data_r , output [31:0] reg32_arr__data_r[8], output [15:0] reg16__data_r , output [7:0] reg8__data_r ); // Internal signals srdl2sv_widget_if #(.ADDR_W (32), .DATA_W(32)) widget_if; /******************************************************************* * AMBA 3 AHB Lite Widget * ====================== * Naming conventions * - widget_if -> SystemVerilog interface to between widgets * and the internal srdl2sv registers. * - H* -> Signals as defined in AMBA3 AHB Lite * specification * - clk -> Clock that drives registers and the bus *******************************************************************/ srdl2sv_amba3ahblite #(.FLOP_REGISTER_IF (0), .BUS_BITS (32), .NO_BYTE_ENABLE (0)) srdl2sv_amba3ahblite_inst (// Bus protocol .HRESETn, .HCLK (clk), .HADDR, .HWRITE, .HSIZE, .HPROT, .HTRANS, .HWDATA, .HSEL, .HREADYOUT, .HRESP, .HRDATA, // Interface to internal logic .widget_if); genvar gv_a; /******************************************************************* /******************************************************************* /* REGISTER : reg32 /* DIMENSION : 0 /* DEPTHS (per dimension): [] /******************************************************************* /*******************************************************************/ logic reg32_active ; logic reg32_sw_wr ; logic [31:0] reg32_data_mux_in; logic reg32_rdy_mux_in ; logic reg32_err_mux_in ; logic [31:0] reg32__data_q ; // Register-activation for 'reg32' assign reg32_active = widget_if.addr == 0; assign reg32_sw_wr = reg32_active && widget_if.w_vld; //-----------------FIELD SUMMARY----------------- // name : data (reg32[31:0]) // access : hw = rw // sw = rw (precedence) // reset : active_low / asynchronous // flags : ['sw'] // external : False // storage type : StorageType.FLOPS //----------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_async_n) if (!rst_async_n) begin reg32__data_q <= 32'd0; end else begin if (reg32_sw_wr) begin if (widget_if.byte_en[0]) reg32__data_q[7:0] <= widget_if.w_data[7:0]; if (widget_if.byte_en[1]) reg32__data_q[15:8] <= widget_if.w_data[15:8]; if (widget_if.byte_en[2]) reg32__data_q[23:16] <= widget_if.w_data[23:16]; if (widget_if.byte_en[3]) reg32__data_q[31:24] <= widget_if.w_data[31:24]; end else // we or wel property not set reg32__data_q <= reg32__data_in; end // of reg32__data's always_ff // Connect register to hardware output port assign reg32__data_r = reg32__data_q; /************************************** * Assign all fields to signal to Mux * **************************************/ // Assign all fields. Fields that are not readable are tied to 0. assign reg32_data_mux_in = {reg32__data_q}; // Internal registers are ready immediately assign reg32_rdy_mux_in = 1'b1; // Return an error if *no* read and *no* write was succesful. If some bits // cannot be read/written but others are succesful, don't return and error // Hence, as long as one action can be succesful, no error will be returned. assign reg32_err_mux_in = !((widget_if.r_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[3:0])) || (widget_if.w_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[3:0]))); /******************************************************************* /******************************************************************* /* REGISTER : reg32_arr /* DIMENSION : 1 /* DEPTHS (per dimension): [8] /******************************************************************* /*******************************************************************/ logic reg32_arr_active [8]; logic reg32_arr_sw_wr [8]; logic [31:0] reg32_arr_data_mux_in[8]; logic reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in [8]; logic reg32_arr_err_mux_in [8]; logic [31:0] reg32_arr__data_q [8]; generate for (gv_a = 0; gv_a < 8; gv_a++) begin // Register-activation for 'reg32_arr' assign reg32_arr_active[gv_a] = widget_if.addr == 4+(gv_a*4); assign reg32_arr_sw_wr[gv_a] = reg32_arr_active[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld; //-----------------FIELD SUMMARY----------------- // name : data (reg32_arr[31:0]) // access : hw = rw // sw = rw (precedence) // reset : active_low / asynchronous // flags : ['sw'] // external : False // storage type : StorageType.FLOPS //----------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_async_n) if (!rst_async_n) begin reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a] <= 32'd0; end else begin if (reg32_arr_sw_wr[gv_a]) begin if (widget_if.byte_en[0]) reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a][7:0] <= widget_if.w_data[7:0]; if (widget_if.byte_en[1]) reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a][15:8] <= widget_if.w_data[15:8]; if (widget_if.byte_en[2]) reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a][23:16] <= widget_if.w_data[23:16]; if (widget_if.byte_en[3]) reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a][31:24] <= widget_if.w_data[31:24]; end else // we or wel property not set reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a] <= reg32_arr__data_in[gv_a]; end // of reg32_arr__data's always_ff // Connect register to hardware output port assign reg32_arr__data_r[gv_a] = reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a]; /************************************** * Assign all fields to signal to Mux * **************************************/ // Assign all fields. Fields that are not readable are tied to 0. assign reg32_arr_data_mux_in[gv_a] = {reg32_arr__data_q[gv_a]}; // Internal registers are ready immediately assign reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[gv_a] = 1'b1; // Return an error if *no* read and *no* write was succesful. If some bits // cannot be read/written but others are succesful, don't return and error // Hence, as long as one action can be succesful, no error will be returned. assign reg32_arr_err_mux_in[gv_a] = !((widget_if.r_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[3:0])) || (widget_if.w_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[3:0]))); end // of for loop with iterator gv_a endgenerate /******************************************************************* /******************************************************************* /* REGISTER : reg16 /* DIMENSION : 0 /* DEPTHS (per dimension): [] /******************************************************************* /*******************************************************************/ logic reg16_active ; logic reg16_sw_wr ; logic [15:0] reg16_data_mux_in; logic reg16_rdy_mux_in ; logic reg16_err_mux_in ; logic [15:0] reg16__data_q ; // Register-activation for 'reg16' assign reg16_active = widget_if.addr == 36; assign reg16_sw_wr = reg16_active && widget_if.w_vld; //-----------------FIELD SUMMARY----------------- // name : data (reg16[15:0]) // access : hw = rw // sw = rw (precedence) // reset : active_low / asynchronous // flags : ['sw'] // external : False // storage type : StorageType.FLOPS //----------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_async_n) if (!rst_async_n) begin reg16__data_q <= 16'd0; end else begin if (reg16_sw_wr) begin if (widget_if.byte_en[0]) reg16__data_q[7:0] <= widget_if.w_data[7:0]; if (widget_if.byte_en[1]) reg16__data_q[15:8] <= widget_if.w_data[15:8]; end else // we or wel property not set reg16__data_q <= reg16__data_in; end // of reg16__data's always_ff // Connect register to hardware output port assign reg16__data_r = reg16__data_q; /************************************** * Assign all fields to signal to Mux * **************************************/ // Assign all fields. Fields that are not readable are tied to 0. assign reg16_data_mux_in = {reg16__data_q}; // Internal registers are ready immediately assign reg16_rdy_mux_in = 1'b1; // Return an error if *no* read and *no* write was succesful. If some bits // cannot be read/written but others are succesful, don't return and error // Hence, as long as one action can be succesful, no error will be returned. assign reg16_err_mux_in = !((widget_if.r_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[1:0])) || (widget_if.w_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[1:0]))); /******************************************************************* /******************************************************************* /* REGISTER : reg8 /* DIMENSION : 0 /* DEPTHS (per dimension): [] /******************************************************************* /*******************************************************************/ logic reg8_active ; logic [7:0] reg8_data_mux_in; logic reg8_rdy_mux_in ; logic reg8_err_mux_in ; logic [7:0] reg8__data_q ; // Register-activation for 'reg8' assign reg8_active = widget_if.addr == 38; //-----------------FIELD SUMMARY----------------- // name : data (reg8[7:0]) // access : hw = rw // sw = r (precedence) // reset : active_low / asynchronous // flags : ['sw'] // external : False // storage type : StorageType.FLOPS //----------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_async_n) if (!rst_async_n) begin reg8__data_q <= 8'd0; end else begin // we or wel property not set reg8__data_q <= reg8__data_in; end // of reg8__data's always_ff // Connect register to hardware output port assign reg8__data_r = reg8__data_q; /************************************** * Assign all fields to signal to Mux * **************************************/ // Assign all fields. Fields that are not readable are tied to 0. assign reg8_data_mux_in = {reg8__data_q}; // Internal registers are ready immediately assign reg8_rdy_mux_in = 1'b1; // Return an error if *no* read and *no* write was succesful. If some bits // cannot be read/written but others are succesful, don't return and error // Hence, as long as one action can be succesful, no error will be returned. assign reg8_err_mux_in = !((widget_if.r_vld && (widget_if.byte_en[0])) || (widget_if.w_vld && (1'b0))); // Read multiplexer always_comb begin unique case (1'b1) reg32_active: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_data_mux_in; widget_if.err = reg32_err_mux_in; widget_if.rdy = reg32_rdy_mux_in; end reg32_arr_active[0]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[0]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[0]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[0]; end reg32_arr_active[1]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[1]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[1]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[1]; end reg32_arr_active[2]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[2]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[2]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[2]; end reg32_arr_active[3]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[3]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[3]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[3]; end reg32_arr_active[4]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[4]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[4]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[4]; end reg32_arr_active[5]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[5]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[5]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[5]; end reg32_arr_active[6]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[6]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[6]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[6]; end reg32_arr_active[7]: begin widget_if.r_data = reg32_arr_data_mux_in[7]; widget_if.err = reg32_arr_err_mux_in[7]; widget_if.rdy = reg32_arr_rdy_mux_in[7]; end reg16_active: begin widget_if.r_data = reg16_data_mux_in; widget_if.err = reg16_err_mux_in; widget_if.rdy = reg16_rdy_mux_in; end reg8_active: begin widget_if.r_data = reg8_data_mux_in; widget_if.err = reg8_err_mux_in; widget_if.rdy = reg8_rdy_mux_in; end default: begin // If the address is not found, return an error widget_if.r_data = 0; widget_if.err = 1; widget_if.rdy = widget_if.r_vld || widget_if.w_vld; end endcase end endmodule