ALL_COCOTB_TESTS = $(shell ls cocotb_tests/test_*.py | sed -E 's|.*?/test_(.*?).py|\1|g') .PHONY: clean examples .PRECIOUS: build_dirs/%/compile.f default: $(ALL_COCOTB_TESTS) examples @echo "" @echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Showing all FAILs in simulation logs:" @grep -r 'test.*FAIL' build_dirs && exit 1 || echo '' @echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "" @echo "SUCCESS: NO FAILURES FOUND!" # This target will always rebuild, which is fine since we want to be sure to execute any # test if we kick it off. %: build_dirs/%/compile.f rm -rf cocotb_tests/dump.fst rm -rf cocotb_tests/results.xml rm -rf cocotb_tests/simulation.log mkdir -p $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/cocotb_build $(MAKE) -C cocotb_tests \ TOPLEVEL=$@\ MODULE=test_$@\ VERILOG_SOURCES="$(shell cat $^)"\ SIM_BUILD=$(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/cocotb_build\ | tee $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/simulation.log # Move some files mv cocotb_tests/dump.fst $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/ mv cocotb_tests/results.xml $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/ @echo "" @echo "##############################################################################" @echo "# SIMULATION DONE ############################################################" @echo "##############################################################################" @echo "# Simulation dump: $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/dump.fst" @echo "# Simulation log : $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/simulation.log" @echo "# Results XML : $(PWD)/build_dirs/$@/results.xml" @echo "##############################################################################" @echo "##############################################################################" # Rebuild if RDL file or srdl2sv-software is newer build_dirs/%/compile.f: systemrdl/%.rdl $(shell which srdl2sv) srdl2sv $< --out-dir $(shell dirname $@) --file-logging DEBUG --stdout-logging DEBUG ls $(PWD)/$(@D)/* > $@ ls $(PWD)/$(@D)/*amba*.sv >> $@ ls $(PWD)/$(@D)/*.sv | grep -v '.*$$' | grep -v '.*amba.*' >> $@ examples: # Make examples. This does not flag any functional issues, but if # a change breaks compilation, this will flag it. make -C ../examples/ clean: rm -rf build_dirs make -C ../examples/ clean