addrmap aliases {
    // Example SystemRDL LRM // 
    reg some_intr_r { 
        desc = "This register shows the alias example from Section 10.5.2 of the
                SystemRDL2.0 spec (with some slight adaptations to make it compilable).";
        field {
            level intr;
        } some_event;

    some_intr_r event1;

    // Create an alias for the DV team to use and modify its properties
    // so that DV can force interrupt events and allow more rigorous structural
    // testing of the interrupt.
    alias event1 some_intr_r event1_for_dv;
    event1_for_dv.some_event->woset = true;

    // Example field-subset // 
    field field_templ {
        sw = rw;
        hw = rw;

    reg four_field_reg {
        desc = "This is a register with 4 fields.";

        field_templ f1 [7:0];
        field_templ f2 [15:8];
        field_templ f3 [23:16];
        field_templ f4 [31:24];

        f3->swmod = true; // swmod does work for aliased registers
        f4->rclr = true;  // Show rclr feature

    reg two_field_alias {
        desc = "It is not mandatory that aliases have all fields of the original
                register. A subset of the fields can be made accessible and they
                can have different names.";

        field_templ field_1 [7:0];
        // Removed f2
        // Removed f3
        field_templ field_4 [31:24];

        field_4->woclr = true; // Different option compared to four_field_reg.f1

    four_field_reg four_field_reg; // Actual register
    alias four_field_reg two_field_alias two_field_alias; // Alias with different properties

    // External aliases // 
    regfile {
        desc = "Instantiate regfile to show that they also work in regfiles.";

        reg ext_main_reg {
            desc = "If aliases registers are declared to be external,
                    the external hardware will get a seperate interface
                    for those registers.";

            field_templ f1 [15:0];
            field_templ f2 [31:16];

        reg ext_alias_reg {
            field_templ field_1 [15:0];

        external ext_main_reg ext_main_reg; // Actual register
        alias ext_main_reg ext_alias_reg ext_alias_reg; // Alias with different properties
    } example_rf[4];
