mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 02:08:40 +00:00
Add external alias in regfile example to aliases-example
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,4 +60,27 @@ addrmap aliases {
four_field_reg four_field_reg; // Actual register
alias four_field_reg two_field_alias two_field_alias; // Alias with different properties
// External aliases //
regfile {
desc = "Instantiate regfile to show that they also work in regfiles.";
reg ext_main_reg {
desc = "If aliases registers are declared to be external,
the external hardware will get a seperate interface
for those registers.";
field_templ f1 [15:0];
field_templ f2 [31:16];
reg ext_alias_reg {
field_templ field_1 [15:0];
external ext_main_reg ext_main_reg; // Actual register
alias ext_main_reg ext_alias_reg ext_alias_reg; // Alias with different properties
} example_rf[4];
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
* Generation information:
* - User: : dpotter
* - Time : November 06 2021 22:46:49
* - Time : November 07 2021 11:16:51
* - Path : /home/dpotter/srdl2sv/examples/aliases
* - RDL file : ['aliases.rdl']
* - Hostname : ArchXPS
@ -74,35 +74,57 @@ module aliases
// Inputs
input clk ,
input HRESETn ,
input [31:0] HADDR ,
input HWRITE ,
input [2:0] HSIZE ,
input [3:0] HPROT ,
input [1:0] HTRANS ,
input [32-1:0] HWDATA ,
input HSEL ,
input [0:0] event1__some_event_in ,
input four_field_reg__f1_hw_wr,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f1_in ,
input four_field_reg__f2_hw_wr,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f2_in ,
input four_field_reg__f3_hw_wr,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f3_in ,
input four_field_reg__f4_hw_wr,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f4_in ,
input clk ,
input HRESETn ,
input [31:0] HADDR ,
input HWRITE ,
input [2:0] HSIZE ,
input [3:0] HPROT ,
input [1:0] HTRANS ,
input [32-1:0] HWDATA ,
input HSEL ,
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_err [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_err [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_err [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_err [4],
input example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack [4],
input [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_data[4],
input [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_data[4],
input [0:0] event1__some_event_in ,
input four_field_reg__f1_hw_wr ,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f1_in ,
input four_field_reg__f2_hw_wr ,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f2_in ,
input four_field_reg__f3_hw_wr ,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f3_in ,
input four_field_reg__f4_hw_wr ,
input [7:0] four_field_reg__f4_in ,
// Outputs
output HREADYOUT ,
output HRESP ,
output [32-1:0] HRDATA ,
output event1_intr ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f1_r ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f2_r ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f3_r ,
output reg four_field_reg__f3_swmod,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f4_r
output HREADYOUT ,
output HRESP ,
output [32-1:0] HRDATA ,
output example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_req [4],
output [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_data [4],
output [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_mask [4],
output example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_req [4],
output example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_w_req[4],
output [15:0] example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_w_data[4],
output [15:0] example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_w_mask[4],
output example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_r_req[4],
output example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_req [4],
output [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_data [4],
output [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_mask [4],
output example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_req [4],
output event1_intr ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f1_r ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f2_r ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f3_r ,
output reg four_field_reg__f3_swmod ,
output [7:0] four_field_reg__f4_r
@ -142,6 +164,229 @@ srdl2sv_amba3ahblite_inst
// Interface to internal logic
genvar gv_a;
* REGFILE : example_rf
* DEPTHS (per dimension): [4]
/**REGFILE DESCRIPTION**********************************************
Instantiate regfile to show that they also work in regfiles.
// Variables of register 'ext_main_reg'
logic example_rf__ext_main_reg_active [4];
logic example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_rd [4];
logic example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_wr [4];
logic example_rf__ext_alias_reg_active [4];
logic example_rf__ext_alias_reg_sw_rd [4];
logic example_rf__ext_alias_reg_sw_wr [4];
logic [31:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg_data_mux_in [4];
logic example_rf__ext_main_reg_rdy_mux_in [4];
logic example_rf__ext_main_reg_err_mux_in [4];
logic [31:0] example_rf__ext_alias_reg_data_mux_in[4];
logic example_rf__ext_alias_reg_rdy_mux_in [4];
logic example_rf__ext_alias_reg_err_mux_in [4];
logic [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_q [4];
logic [15:0] example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_q [4];
logic [15:0] example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_q [4];
for (gv_a = 0; gv_a < 4; gv_a++)
/* REGISTER : ext_main_reg
/* DEPTHS (per dimension): []
/**REGISTER DESCRIPTION*********************************************
If aliases registers are declared to be external,
the external hardware will get a seperate interface
for those registers.
// Register-activation for 'example_rf__ext_main_reg'
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg_active[gv_a] = widget_if.addr == 16+(gv_a*8);
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_rd[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg_active[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld;
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_wr[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg_active[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld;
// Register-activation for 'example_rf__ext_alias_reg' (alias)
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg_active[gv_a] = widget_if.addr == 20+(gv_a*8);
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg_sw_rd[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_active[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld;
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg_sw_wr[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_active[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld;
//-----------------FIELD SUMMARY-----------------
// name : f1 (example_rf__ext_main_reg[15:0])
// access : hw = rw
// sw = rw (precedence)
// reset : - / -
// flags : ['sw', 'wel']
// external : True
// storage type : StorageType.FLOPS
* Handle external write interface *
* The 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_req' output will be asserted once a write
* is requested by the bus and will stay high until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack'
* gets set. During a write, hardware shall not touch any bits that
* are not defined in 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_mask'.
* 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack' shall be held 1'b1 until all fields in the register
* acknowledged the read. In practice, this means until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_req'
* goes back to 1'b0.
* If 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_err' gets set, it must also be held during the
* complete time 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack' is high.
// Write request
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_req[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_wr[gv_a];
// Assign value from bus to output
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_data[gv_a] = widget_if.w_data[15:0];
// Provide bit-wise mask. Only bits set to 1'b1 shall be written
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_mask[gv_a] = {{8{widget_if.byte_en[1]}},{8{widget_if.byte_en[0]}}};
* Handle external read interface *
* The 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_req' output will be asserted once a read
* is requested by the bus and will stay high until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack'
* gets set. During a read, byte-enables will be ignored.
* 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack' shall be held 1'b1 until all fields in the register
* acknowledged the read. In practice, this means until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_req'
* goes back to 1'b0.
* If 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_err' gets set, it must also be held during the
* complete time 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack' is high.
// Actual data
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_req[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_rd[gv_a];
// Assign return from outside hardware
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_q[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_data;
* Alias external write interface *
* The hardware gets notified via a different wire that
* software accessed the register via an alias, but the return
* shall be done via the main register's I/O. This is similar to
* the implementation of an alias registers.
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_w_req[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_sw_wr[gv_a];
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_w_data[gv_a] = widget_if.w_data[15:0];
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_w_mask[gv_a] = {{8{widget_if.byte_en[1]}},{8{widget_if.byte_en[0]}}};
* Alias external read interface *
* The hardware gets notified via a different wire that
* software accessed the register via an alias, but the return
* shall be done via the main register's I/O. This is similar to
* the implementation of an alias registers.
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg__field_1_ext_r_req[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_sw_rd[gv_a];
//-----------------FIELD SUMMARY-----------------
// name : f2 (example_rf__ext_main_reg[31:16])
// access : hw = rw
// sw = rw (precedence)
// reset : - / -
// flags : ['sw', 'wel']
// external : True
// storage type : StorageType.FLOPS
* Handle external write interface *
* The 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_req' output will be asserted once a write
* is requested by the bus and will stay high until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack'
* gets set. During a write, hardware shall not touch any bits that
* are not defined in 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_mask'.
* 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack' shall be held 1'b1 until all fields in the register
* acknowledged the read. In practice, this means until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_req'
* goes back to 1'b0.
* If 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_err' gets set, it must also be held during the
* complete time 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack' is high.
// Write request
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_req[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_wr[gv_a];
// Assign value from bus to output
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_data[gv_a] = widget_if.w_data[31:16];
// Provide bit-wise mask. Only bits set to 1'b1 shall be written
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_mask[gv_a] = {{8{widget_if.byte_en[3]}},{8{widget_if.byte_en[2]}}};
* Handle external read interface *
* The 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_req' output will be asserted once a read
* is requested by the bus and will stay high until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack'
* gets set. During a read, byte-enables will be ignored.
* 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack' shall be held 1'b1 until all fields in the register
* acknowledged the read. In practice, this means until 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_req'
* goes back to 1'b0.
* If 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_err' gets set, it must also be held during the
* complete time 'example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack' is high.
// Actual data
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_req[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg_sw_rd[gv_a];
// Assign return from outside hardware
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_q[gv_a] = example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_data;
* Assign all fields to signal to Mux *
// Assign all fields. Fields that are not readable are tied to 0.
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg_data_mux_in[gv_a] = {example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_q[gv_a], example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_q[gv_a]};
// Internal registers are ready immediately
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg_rdy_mux_in[gv_a] = (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld);
// Return an error if *no* read and *no* write was succesful. If some bits
// cannot be read/written but others are succesful, don't return and error
// Hence, as long as one action can be succesful, no error will be returned.
assign example_rf__ext_main_reg_err_mux_in[gv_a] = !((widget_if.r_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[3:0])) || (widget_if.w_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[3:0]))) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_err[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_err[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_err[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_err[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld);
* Assign all fields to signal to Mux (alias) *
// Assign all fields. Fields that are not readable are tied to 0.
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg_data_mux_in[gv_a] = {{16{1'b0}}, example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_q[gv_a]};
// Internal registers are ready immediately
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg_rdy_mux_in[gv_a] = (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f2_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld);
// Return an error if *no* read and *no* write was succesful. If some bits
// cannot be read/written but others are succesful, don't return and error
// Hence, as long as one action can be succesful, no error will be returned.
assign example_rf__ext_alias_reg_err_mux_in[gv_a] = !((widget_if.r_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[1:0])) || (widget_if.w_vld && (|widget_if.byte_en[1:0]))) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_err[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_r_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.r_vld) || (example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_err[gv_a] && example_rf__ext_main_reg__f1_ext_w_ack[gv_a] && widget_if.w_vld);
end // of for loop with iterator gv_a
/* REGISTER : event1
@ -450,6 +695,54 @@ assign two_field_alias_err_mux_in = !((widget_if.r_vld && (widget_if.byte_en[3]
unique case (1'b1)
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_main_reg_data_mux_in[0];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_main_reg_err_mux_in[0];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_main_reg_rdy_mux_in[0];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_main_reg_data_mux_in[1];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_main_reg_err_mux_in[1];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_main_reg_rdy_mux_in[1];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_main_reg_data_mux_in[2];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_main_reg_err_mux_in[2];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_main_reg_rdy_mux_in[2];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_main_reg_data_mux_in[3];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_main_reg_err_mux_in[3];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_main_reg_rdy_mux_in[3];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_data_mux_in[0];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_err_mux_in[0];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_rdy_mux_in[0];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_data_mux_in[1];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_err_mux_in[1];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_rdy_mux_in[1];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_data_mux_in[2];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_err_mux_in[2];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_rdy_mux_in[2];
widget_if.r_data = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_data_mux_in[3];
widget_if.err = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_err_mux_in[3];
widget_if.rdy = example_rf__ext_alias_reg_rdy_mux_in[3];
widget_if.r_data = event1_data_mux_in;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user