This commit includes a fully functional template and Rust backend. The website is able to send e-mails, displays strings in multiple languages, include attachments, and has basic protection again spam (IP based).
192 lines
6.4 KiB
192 lines
6.4 KiB
# Strings within { and } in message strings are replaced by variables. Uppercase strings
# within < and > need to be replaced by the user in this configuration file.
# Specify settings for email to sent to guests
# The script assumes that smtp_username is a full e-mailaddress, since it will send
# the confirmation to this address.
email_credentials: {
smtp_server: "<SERVER>",
smtp_username: "<USERNAME>",
smtp_password: "<PASSWORD>",
# How many seconds must a user wait before he may send another e-mail?
spam_wait: 300,
# Strings to display
# Multiple languages may be defined. It is possible to map different TLDs
# to different languages. In the case below, .nl is matched to nl (Dutch) and
# .de is matched to de (German). The default language is nl (Dutch).
default_lang: nl,
tld_mapping: {
nl: "nl",
de: "de",
com: "en",
languages: {
en: {
# Email which will be sent to a guest
"email": {
"subject": "You RSVPed to our wedding!",
Hi {name}!
<br /><br />
Thanks for letting us know that you will attent to our wedding.
# ICS File to sent with email
"attachment": "<ATTACHMENT>.ics",
# Text in form
"form": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Wedding",
"h1": "Let us know if you will join!",
"h2": "If you can't come, we would like to know as well.",
"name": "Name",
"email": "Email address",
"num_guests": "Number of guests",
"cant_come": "Unfortunately, I can't come",
"one_guest": "1 guest",
"two_guest": "2 guests",
"three_guest": "3 guests",
"four_guest": "4 guests",
"five_guest": "5 guests",
"submit": "Let us know!",
"additional_info": "Is there something particular we need to know (for example, will you join us later or do you have allergies)?"
# Text on page that thanks user for e-mail
"thanks": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Wedding",
"h1": "Thanks {name}!",
"message": "We received your message and sent you an email with some additional information.",
# Text on page that tells user that too many e-mails were sent from his IP
"spam": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Wedding",
"h1": "Oops — excuse us!",
"message": "Apparently, you already sent a message less than <NUMBER OF MINUTES> minutes ago. Wait at least <NUMBER OF MINUTES> minutes before attempting to sent another message. Unfortunately, we had to add this feature to our website to protect ourselves from spam. Do you think this is not right? Please send an email to <EMAILADDRESS>.",
nl: {
# Email which will be sent to a guest
"email": {
"subject": "Je hebt je aangemeld voor onze bruiloft!",
Hoi {name}!
<br /><br />
Dankjewel voor het ons te laten weten of je naar onze bruiloft komt.
# ICS File to sent with email
"attachment": "<ATTACHMENT>.ics",
# Text in form
"form": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Bruiloft",
"h1": "Vertel ons of je ook komt!",
"h2": "Als je helaas niet komt, horen wij dit ook graag.",
"name": "Naam",
"email": "E-mailadres",
"num_guests": "Aantal gasten",
"cant_come": "Ik ben helaas verhinderd",
"one_guest": "1 gast",
"two_guest": "2 gasten",
"three_guest": "3 gasten",
"four_guest": "4 gasten",
"five_guest": "5 gasten",
"submit": "Laat ons iets weten!",
"additional_info": "Is er iets wat we moeten weten (kom je bijvoorbeeld later of heb je allergiën?"
# Text on page that thanks user for e-mail
"thanks": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Bruiloft",
"h1": "Dankjewel {name}!",
"message": "We hebben je bericht ontvangen en hebben je een e-mail met meer informatie gestuurd.",
# Text on page that tells user that too many e-mails were sent from his IP
"spam": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Bruiloft",
"h1": "Oops — sorry voor het ongemak!",
"message": "Het lijkt erop dat je minder dan <NUMBER OF MINUTES> minuten geleden al eens een bericht verstuurd hebt via deze pagina. Wacht tenminste <NUMBER OF MINUTES> minuten voordat je nog een bericht verstuurd. We moesten deze bescherming helaas op de website zetten ter protectie tegen spam. Denk je dat dit niet klopt? Stuur dan even een e-mail naar <EMAILADDRESS>.",
de: {
# Email which will be sent to a guest
"email": {
"subject": "Du hast dich angemeldet zu unserer Hochzeit!",
Hi {name}!
Danke dass du uns hast wissen lassen ob du auch kommst!
# ICS File to sent with email
"attachment": "<ATTACHMENT>.ics",
# Text in form
"form": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Hochzeit",
"h1": "Erzähl uns, ob du auch kommst!",
"h2": "Wenn du leider nicht kannst, erfahren wir das auch gerne.",
"name": "Name",
"email": "E-Mail-Adresse",
"num_guests": "Anzahl der Gäste",
"cant_come": "Ich kann leider nicht kommen",
"one_guest": "1 Gast",
"two_guest": "2 Gäste",
"three_guest": "3 Gäste",
"four_guest": "4 Gäste",
"five_guest": "5 Gäste",
"submit": "Formular absenden!",
"additional_info": "Gibt es zusätzliche Sachen die wir wissen müssen (kommst du zum Beispiel später oder hast du Allergien)?"
# Text on page that thanks user for e-mail
"thanks": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Hochzeit",
"h1": "Danke {}!",
"message": "Wir haben deine Nachricht empfangen und haben dir eine E-Mail mit mehr Informationen zukommen lassen.",
# Text on page that tells user that too many e-mails were sent from his IP
"spam": {
"title": "<NAME_1> & <NAME_2> Hochzeit",
"h1": "Oops — entschuldigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten!,"
"message": "Es sieht danach aus, dass du in den vergangenen <NUMBER OF MINUTES> Minuten versucht hast, mehrere Nachrichten über diese Website zu schicken. Warte bitte wenigstens <NUMBER_OF_MINUTES> Minuten, vor dass du es nochmal versuchst. Wir mussten dies leider in die Seite mit aufnehmen, als Schutz gegen Spam. Glaubst du, dass diese Blockade unzurecht ist? Schicke uns dann eine E-Mail an <EMAILADDRESS>.",